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Old August 15, 2019, 08:53 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default It is going to take a food crisis, which will work like this.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post
Whew !

Talk about igniting a flame !

All these ideas are BRILLIANT in their simplicity.

In this vast country, there has got to be enough people, enough independent thinkers to make ideas like you propose work.

The key is finding the folks. That's the rub.

My land, Gordon, this post with the ideas should be saved and touted as a pure example of possibilities that are all around.

Hmmm... Gets me to thinking about how valuable a "Brain Trust" would be to get the ball rolling on projects like these around the land.

Wowza !!!

You and I are it. For now. A brain trust that is.

OK, changing hats I put on my Wiz of Nostradamus hat on, here is what is in the water.

First, farmers are told to quit selling overseas, they need to put America first. They are told they have no worries, they will be fed, housed on their own property and given some Gov't cheese and food from the Local Food bank, after being told to "quit whining" and farm for America.

We have to take care of US, our own first, says the Power, so don't worry about exporting your goods anywhere, we're the only market you need. Then they are told, the Market, like life, is for WINNERS, and let the strongest survive. Although farms could be nationalized, sort of like Amtrak. Can you imagine AmFarm. YIKES.

Food surpluses drop dramatically, we have to access it in a crisis, maybe a drought. And current crops aren't doing well.

Fred's, Kellogg and PepsiCo file for Chapter 11, they being lead dominoes.

Restaurants can't get food. Thousands become unemployed overnight, hoarders (the rich) stock their bunkers and basements. Gun sales soar, but there is a bullet shortage.

Look to current Venezuela for the future of America.

Well, that is the dire take. The crisis in the making which will cause action, probably martial in nature.

WE are consumers, and there is a great divide today, because a smaller and smaller % of the total are consuming the most. There is a tipping point.

What that is, is anyone's guess.

There are plans in place for the race riots. We now have militarized many police forces, and after Philly standoff, watch for Drones to swoop and hover above the said "drug" house in the near future. Even an automatic weapon can't shoot a drone out of the sky, not at the elevation they work at.

We have martial law plans for disasters, another Hurricane, Earthquake, etc.

Now to be fair, there are many people working on projects of peace, projects of preventing the above, working in the fields, boots on the ground trying to shift our direction, to get us to change course.

And God, I wish them well and nothing but success. But as great a story as David v Goliath is, the more oft truth is, Goliath wins. Big Gov't, those with the guns, beat the guy with the slingshot, in the real world. Although, with all our might, we have Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan on the board don't we, so maybe David can hit the right spot with the stone???????

What I'm advocating is a National Co-operative, which, unlike NASA and the moon shot, is all inclusive. The African-American community called it the White Man's goal, in fact, the popular song, early rap like was WHITEY GOT THE MOON.

Feeding, housing, clothing, training the people should have all the importance of a getting a man to the moon, and today, those silly MARS missions, are more millions being spent for what reason????

The farmers of America, want to farm, they don't whine about adversity, they have grown up with it. They just want a fair shake. I can't name a single farmer who owns a private island in the Caribe, can you?

Now, we already spend millions on training, education and food stamps, etc. But that is really, like the buying of more tanks and useless planes by the military, just a way to keep thousands employed, the so-called social worker who mans your local Jobs and Family Services fiasco.

We have the land and technology to grow and raise food.
We have a lot of land. We have a lot of junk, as noted, planes, trains and transport boxes to create new cities, albeit somewhat different.

We have great ideas, good ideas, even so-so ideas which could suffice.

But we also have the Holy War headed our way. And I'll take that on very soon.

Feel free to join the brain trust here, even opposing views presented in a civil manner would be welcome (no CHEST THUMPERS need apply), or Millard and I (or if he has other things to do, I can continue to post on the blog).

Which I've said before. The forum is for you to participate if you want, however, in the case of non participation, then I'll use it as my blog.

Food. Who really needs it? Come on man, we got supplements.

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