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Old August 25, 2019, 02:33 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
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Default Update...

I just wanted to share...

According to Lee Milteer, Dan Kennedy is still alive and is benefiting from the messages...

This is her message... (from a couple of hours ago...)

"DAN KENNEDY GOOD NEWS; SO PRAYERS are working, The letters you are sending in are WORKING. The massive numbers of people who have written letters to Dan on his tribute link ---have been printed out and faxed to Dan's house and then taken to Hospice location where family is taking turns reading these letters to him, How He Changed their life and business with his teaching.
These letters have emotionally and visually PERKED DAN UP. He told me he was SHOCKED how people felt. He had never gotten appreciation like this in his life. He is touched.
He mentioned that People really should send the Damn Flowers while people are alive so they can appreciate them!!
( Dan is not looking for flowers-- its the point of showing your love now while people are on earth)
YOUR LOVE for Dan is being felt and I encourage each and every one of you that loves Dan Kennedy IF you have not written him-- Please submit your tribute to Dan at : If you wanted to TELL DAN anything -- Now is your last chance to show your gratitude and appreciation for what you have learned because of him. All of you have written on social media NOW is the time to take those things and send them so while Dan is still with us hear your thoughts. Don't let this be one of those things you regret you did not do. GO TO: . "

(Dien's note: There's been a lot of confusion... A couple of people I'm aware of - like John Carlton and Ken McCarthy, who both know Dan personally - posted that Dan had passed, then withdrew their initial note as they got new information...)

Best wishes,

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