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Old September 5, 2019, 01:35 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default We live in a world of low self esteem, bullying, and comparison.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post
How it relates to YOU and your business? One thing I mentor you in is to REJECT all criticism, critique, or opinions from people who don't know what your goals are or what you are doing. Let your RESULTS be your guide, you know if you did your best or where you slacked off.

This one piece of advice should be shouted from the rooftops all over the country.

It is one of the best ways to keep yourself going, upbeat, and focused that anyone can put into practice today.

Amen, Amen, Amen !!!

Thanks Millard.

Life doesn't come with instructions. No manual, guide, or instruction booklet (Until the GJA-SQ1).

We are TOLD how we should be, we are instructed in how our lives SHOULD be, we are controlled, manipulated and influenced for our own good, or so adults believe that when raising children.

By the time we are 12, we have heavy neural imprints, from religion, government, adult "care"takers but no one, has given us the HOW LIFE WORKS.

So, it is the purpose of the GJA-SQ1 WORKSHOPS. To offer a guide.

Basic instructions on how life works. It is not complicated.

You are born (LIFE). Your will die. Between those two points in time is your life. Not much say in it for the first dozen years or so, someone is in control of you (as a child).

Adults have CHOICES. Free Will (or do they?). They take control of their lives or surrender the control to others.

What many do not understand is how those early child influences are STILL at work, still in play, and unless brought to conscious awareness, we will never know what invisible forces are working on us, usually against our best interests.

Religions give millions a safety blanket of comfort, and eliminates thinking, which is the hardest thing we do. Most critical thinking is taught out of us by the time we are 12, because conformity suits our societies.

Governments try to control billions of people.

Pseudo religions, also offer escapes.

We have failed to instruct people in LIFE. How life works. Not just for me, you or us, but for everyone, born anywhere, of any race, religion or ethnicity.

The GJA-SQ1 can do that, but, I don't think people are interested in learning, because it requires them to think. The want shortcuts rather than thought.

It is much easier to assign BLAME, to not accept responsibility, that we have put ourselves in the place where we are, with the exceptions of unavoidable accidents and illness.

Even those gurus of Self Actualization, and fulfillment...try to dictate what it means, and what their idea of success is, with all sorts of guides, checklists, and of course MONEY involved.

We're born. We die. We either have control of our life, or we don't. Barring sickness and accident, still 98% of adults in the Free world are responsible for their condition, and today, even in the countries which control their citizenry (or try to) from cradle to casket, they are losing the battle of self discovery.


PS. Prompt me, I'll tell you all why there is no such thing as a sub-conscious mind because the Mind IS a construct to describe various brain activity. It comes in handy, especially in the Billion Dollar MANIFESTATION "religion", of which I am a high priest, sans the 19.95 certificate of achievement.
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