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Old November 6, 2019, 10:22 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default We've discussed EVENT marketing, here is an interesting one.

Found in my local Craigslist. A one month music vacation for only 6800 bux. The agency behind this is really cool too,

I can't do anything musical, but, how great would it be to spend a month in San Diego in the winter? And come away with content and product to continue your dream.

Any dream advancement under 10k would be a good idea for your event.

It isn't scientific but my research has shown people will spend 10 thousand bux (or more) in the pursuit of their personal dreams.

We often struggle to extract a hundred from their hands with our offers...why not aim higher for the EVENT bux.

Carry on.

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