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Old January 6, 2020, 03:43 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Sure, including your past experience.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Great question!

I think one question I would ask back is, am I allowed to have my past experiences? Or would I have to imagine I was (say) 18 years old (but with my current skills), and what would I do if I was starting then...

The reason I ask that question is, I now believe, it is easier to "parlay" one success into another success. So if you've had past success, it is easier to have more success...

People believe a "winner" will remain a "winner"... So you can use that to help build your success, if you've had any success in your past (in any area) that would lend itself to that...

(I think this is also the basis of "fake it till you make it"... But it's always better if you don't have to fake it...)

I'll assume I'm starting with no past experiences... But maybe with my present skills...

Wow, this is a tough one for me, because I've lived my life trying to build what I call my "urban survival skills." I wrote about this on Sowpub a long time ago... I still take the same approach...

So, I (intentionally) have a lot of different skills. The idea is to always be able to "survive" if required. In an urban environment... I'm not talking about Bear Grylls type stuff. (Or Les Stroud, for those who know of him...)

I would definitely, first, establish a toll position, in ideally a high-demand product.

I would be open to both creating and acquiring one. I would start creating one, while keeping my eyes open towards acquiring one.

In my case, I'd probably stick to the info-product area, as it's one I love.

One thing I would do is focus on an area of knowledge/experience that I know well. (I've made the mistake before in acquiring an info-product toll position in an area I didn't know well - it makes it a lot harder to succeed when you do that...)

Best wishes!


Variations of the questions and sure, knowing what you know and your past experience too.

About 90% of the time I got: "I'd do the same thing, only it would happen much faster."

I think "success" is satisfied with their choices. They could do it faster, or more efficiently due to not having to make the same mistakes. Today, many say they would do something similar only using today's technology to do it.

I like your being able to survive in Urban areas. If you have a rat recipe, or cockroach stew recipe, that might help you too. He he.

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