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Old January 11, 2020, 01:54 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Dolemite is my name.

Suggest you watch the movie. The original movie... was made for around 100k in 1975, and did 12M in box office, playing almost exclusively in urban theaters where African Americans went.

Eddie Murphy revises the Rudy Ray More character, who, after failing at a lot of different things, became the modern Griot of a character from early 20th century.

Eddie is great in the movie.

I think you'll like it.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Thanks Glenn!

I was a teenager in the era when Eddie Murphy was BIG in stand-up comedy... BEFORE he went into movies...

I remember we'd listen to cassettes of Eddie Murphy on our Walkmans, and discuss his routines like the "ice cream man"...

He's very very talented at impressions...

I gotta say, I was never a "huge" fan of his movies. Beverly Hills Cop was okay... But of course, he did very well out of it!

As a stand-up comedian, of course, he was huge...

I saw the interview he did along with Jerry Seinfeld. I think he was asked why he hadn't gone back into stand-up comedy (earlier)... I think the answer was because expectations would have been so high... It's a lot of pressure!

It's great seeing Eddie dip his toe back in the water... I guess we can learn a lot...

I'm sure there are a lot of lessons we can learn from how he got his start, too. (I don't really know those stories...)

I also recently watched some YouTube videos of Dave Chappelle recently winning the Mark Twain Prize.

One of the people Dave thanked in his acceptance speech was his mother.

In Africa, there is the tradition of the "griot" (pronounced like "gree-oh"), who is the keeper of the stories of the village.

Dave said when a griot died, it was like a library burned down.

Dave's mother told him to "be a griot" - the keeper of the stories... <- this links to the "griot" part of the speech

You know, that's not such a bad idea if you're a marketer and content creator as well...

People like you (Glenn) and Gordon are also "griots" of a kind - you're keepers of incredible stories...

And we flock to you to hear them!

I'm glad you're sharing them, not only here, but in your newsletter and in your books and audio products too!!!

Best wishes,

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