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Old March 15, 2020, 07:33 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,495
Default OHIO BECOMES take out or delivery only at 9PM tonight.

Ohio Gov. Closes all bars and dine in restaurants. At 9 tonight. Soon, preschool.

He also has an emergency plan of unemployment for those service workers losing their jobs. Is he far ahead of the curve, or will he be laughed out of office?

Things are happening fast.

In 7 days we will see what the effects are from this lock down. It isn't looking good.

The ripple is all those young kids, and preschoolers at home, will mom and dad have to hire babysitters, do they stay home?

One would think a governor of a state the size and population of Ohio, would have some "inside" info, and his quick decisions based on what they say have been weeks of preparation, is sending ME a message.

He apparently isn't a Sean Hannity fan, silly republican governor.

I wonder if the State run LIQUOR stores are on the list, will Jack Daniels go the way of Wonder Bread?

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