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Old March 16, 2020, 12:30 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default Barter: Bread, bullets and beans.

Deja, Deja, Deja VU.

Third big wave since 1999 when Y2K was going to wipe us out.

Then the crash, of 2008, when the millennia old adage, "real estate ALWAYS goes up" normalcy bias came crashing down. Real Estate and Gold. Remember???

Now Covid19. I have always, even as a little kid, done barter.

My Rocky Colavito card for a Superman comic book.

Made a ton of moolah in the Navy with barter. Always have done it, always will.

Barter takes center stage during these times of uncertainty, and when large numbers of people lose jobs, or employment goes down. Cash becomes king again, and Barter the Queen.

Now, I've been a member of several organized barter groups, some well known to the public, others more private.

What is a good currency to have in the age of Barter?

I said in the subject title, Bread, bullets, and beans. These represent food, security and growth (or a better day ahead).

We are seeing some small runs on food. As noted, still plentiful, available and at an affordable price. Time will tell how that goes.

But TODAY, right now, there are untold thousands, if not millions of people starting to THINK about their situations, and food is one of those things.

Post WWII saw the Victory Gardens spring up in every back yard in America.
Canning was popular. Home made breads, pies, all things home cooked.

How can you help people and thrive in these times?

OFFER your knowledge, experience, wisdom and help others.

Do you know how to grow veggies in your backyard?
Do you know how to repair that bicycle?
Do you know how to can those fruits?

If BARTER is new to you, here is a simplistic guideline to get you started.

START where you are at,
with what you have,
with what you know...

and get it out of your head and CIRCULATE it into the world.

If you want to do good in this world, and even prosper financially as well soulfully, begin to exchange Your VALUE, with others.


PS. Feel free to discuss any BARTER activity you've done over the years.
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