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Old March 18, 2020, 09:48 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Hope all school performers have a back up plan.

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Gordon,

When I Consult with Speakers, Magicians and Trade Show Attendees
I like to use SMELL to Surprise The Audience.

And as BRIBES.

Like the Magician Client who Does ANTI-BULLYING Magic Shows at Schools.

The Entire Auditorium Smells Like RAISIN MUFFINS.
Cuz His Girl Friend Starts Baking My MEGA-MUFFINS (BEHIND THE CURTAIN) Before The Show Starts.

And kids LINE UP
To Get Strapped Down to a Furniture HandTruck
On-Stage in Return for a Home Made - Warm MUFFIN.

CORRECTION - The Kids Volunteer Their MOMS to Get Strapped To The Furniture Hand Truck - THEN the Kids Get a F-r-e-e Muffin.

(EDITORS NOTE - The Benefits of TESTING. Kids love to Perform Magic-Surgery On MOM.)

Bet You Cannot GUESS which
IS The #1 Favorite Muffin Recipe
that Creates LONGEST LINES.


Yesterday -
I just bought a 25 lb Bag Of Spelt Flour.

60 days Ago
I got a new 50.00 BREAD MACHINE.

30 days ago
I Got a Cast Iron WOK. (Man oh man - that Sucker is Huge)


I Could Adapt some WOK Recipes
from The Internet.

On my new ROCKET STOVE...
Cuz our Power Keeps getting knocked out. So I can now cook with Leaves
and Tree Twigs.

Write and Sell Some CookBooks with a WEIRD "Marketing Hook."

My "HOOK" Idea
for a new kind of Recipe book?

A Recipe book That Uses
Farm Tools and Implements
During the Food Prep Process.

(Ever SMASHED an Onion with a Sledge Hammer - It's a HOOT.)

Sounds Easy but It takes Some Practice. The slices of onions
want to SCOOT Away - and Jump onto the floor when You Hit
them with the Sledge Hammer head.


Always interesting Glenn. The ancient cast iron Wok may be the most useful and most used appliance of all times. Works great over camp fires, or backyard fire pits.

We don't know if school is over for the year, maybe, probably. Into the fall and next year? Maybe. Teachers I know are worried, and anyone who services the schools too.

In a matter of days we've seen a major pivot from HOAX to POTUS wanting to give us money NOW, and who couldn't use a 1k bux?

Also, a Wok can be used to make FLAT breads, and a little flour, water and whatever you got on hand it can be the mixing bowl and oven...a wonderful thing to have.

Of course the breadmaker will depend on if one has electricity. And thanks for kicking my butt again with a reminder of COOK BOOKS. Between the restuarants, caterers, soup kitchens, Navy and AMTRAK, I've got thousands of recipes ...

everything from BEAN pan fried cookies (and bean ice cream), 2 minute microwave mug muffins...

Seem to have a lot in my wheelhouse, but will I swing or get hit by the pitch?


to serving large numbers of people CHEAPLY.
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