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Old April 21, 2020, 12:14 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,506
Default Great question. I'd be the oil.

Cassettes??? What are those? HA!!

I used to send out scores of cassettes a day, a small steady trickle of income, then on to CD, DVD...anyhow, to answer your question.

I would be the oil. Fasten in, could be a long ride.

The world's economic machine is grinding to a halt, some sectors getting rusty after only weeks. As in my predictions, from here on, the next month will be interesting, if not volatile.

But the machine will get going, and like machines do, they use OIL. Which is a PictoGrimatic code for you and other toll position aficionados referring to the almost 60 years of the ZOOM SPOUT oil being sold, maybe as many as 200 million units.

So, my answer, OIL, actually has several meanings, a depth, like all the SQ1 PictoGrigms, I think of them as "magic pictures" or sterograms.

Oil in a can, sitting on millions of shelves, being used up, and re purchased, over and over and over again my friend.

I would, TODAY, knowing what I know, begin my THINKING with a very clear view from the rooftop looking toward one of the many toll positions.

I like the smaller TURNSTILE take, like at a stadium, where ticket holders or those paying on the spot, go through a turnstile. If you want access, you PAY.

Going down the ladder, from step off rung to the bottom, I would need to see the DEMAND. A turnstile where LeBron plays is always having higher numbers than where Le-Don plays.

As long as there are moving parts, especially metal ones, there will be a DEMAND for oil. The lubricating kind.

The world economy, the USA economy, the Ohio economy, the Cuyahoga Falls economy are all going to need some grease, some oil to get the machine moving faster.

When looking out from the top, the view from the rooftop, during the assessment phase, I want to see those landmarks. A metaphor for Evergreen, always a DEMAND product or service, like FOOD, we aren't going to stop eating anytime soon {but maybe Soylent Green is closer than we imagine, he he).

So what I would do is use time, AND instead of seeing everything on Netflix, to be shopping around for nearly expired Copyrights, like how recently Ozzie and Harriet TV shows and radio programs have entered Public Domain waters.

Sooooo, I would want to create or ACQUIRE a strong toll situation, probably via Intellectual Property, but, since we did our time with Harvey, to be sure to get control of all the verticals involved, eh? And build a great wall of protection around them.

Much talk of FUTURES today, not the future, but especially OIL and other commodities, like corn, another source of OIL, the most sold cooking oil (back to food).

What I would do (am doing) is trying to secure some future stability for my kids, I'm OK, from here on out, but this crisis really is a tepid dry run of what the future could hold, and so to help out those yet to come, I'd want a

ABSENTEE owned, T U R N S T I L E biz, where there is high demand.

I'll continue, but I'll give you time to think about it, and for all the forum to put on their thinking caps and ponder what the NEEDS and wants of tomorrow will be...and ask you all...what would you do...

knowing what you know today,
starting from scratch with little to no out of pocket expenditure,

to build a sustainable, mostly hands off, decent cash flow business?

I'll continue after lunch, if I don't fall asleep, I do need my 20 hours of sleep a day these days.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

It was almost 20 years ago that I came across the SQ1 Workshops...

I was living in Boston at the time. We had some online correspondence...

And it came in the mail.

Back then, it was the drawings... And a cassette tape (if I remember right).

I remember popping the cassette tape in the tape deck, and going through the drawings, under your guiding voice...

Drawing my own little stick figures, with my own past and future...

What an amazing experience!

An incredible thing that makes it different from virtually everything else is, each person creates their own tailor made little drawing... Reflecting exactly their own past, their own skills, and envisioning their own future...

It's not just a vision they're "copying" from someone else...

However, having said that...

If you were starting out today - with the skills you have - in the middle of Covid-19... What would YOU do?

Best wishes,


Last edited by GordonJ : April 21, 2020 at 12:36 PM.
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