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Old July 2, 2020, 11:42 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Nothing new, here is the process.

I did this 15 to 20 years AGO, so it isn't something I dreamed up this morning.

You start with a one page, few paragraphs, telling me what you think you want to do, and why.

Then we chat. Then you write out a four page, White Paper, on what you want to do, which includes some time frames.

The whole thing is about ACCOUNTABILITY. You can't go to the gym to work out with your friend, so your at home workout isn't what it used to be.

Like most of us, the BLAHS, the blues, the fog of uncertainty has clouded your days.

The gym is a metaphor, could be for your business you wanted to start or did, then Covid -19 knocked you off the path.

My coaching will get you back on that path and accelerate your growth.

After a one page idea, and a four page WHITE paper, then we work on an 8 to 10 page PLAN OF ACTION.

In the past, people overestimated how much time they really had but today, you may have MORE than enough time to do, but you are caught in the trap of what and how to do it.

This is where I can help.

You will use WHITE boards, and have a step by step plan of action, and then we talk to make sure you are DOING it.

You will set short term, 3 month goals, and a 7 month goal, then a 13 month goal, with either monetary or personal goals in it.

Creating White Boards will be a big part of it, when I forced people to write things down, it worked so much better (for them) than if we didn't have a tool we both could see.

I could be wrong, but I see many people are stuck, spinning their wheels, and getting nowhere today, when there is so much opportunity to create YOUR better future, even as the rest of world remains dazed and confused.

If not now, then when? When there is a vaccine? When the world explodes with the next virus, bird flu, pig flu, or when the aliens are over the city?

If you have any questions, you can ask here, or PM, or my preference, email [email protected]


Last edited by GordonJ : July 2, 2020 at 12:01 PM.
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