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Old October 1, 2020, 08:03 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default How to succeed with a mobile food business.

Originally Posted by Shaohao View Post
Good day!

The pandemic got to us all, didn't it? I lost my job and my financial reserves are running thinner. I need to take matters in my own hands and the last couple of weeks have been full of gears grinding my head. The gears of thought. I came up with one idea and would love to run it by you.

Mobile food truck. I would like to make burgers and hotdog on the go. I know there are places like that but I would like to drive around the neighborhood, like an ice-cream truck in the summer. Do you think an initiative like that has a chance to succeed?

Mobile food trucks and mobile food kiosks CAN be very good businesses. There are some buts and howevers.

You will find we've talked about it here, almost 20 years ago, and several times since then. Here are a couple of points.

Two things. LOCATION and Special Events.

An on the go Hamburger and Hot Dog truck won't work, unlike Ice Cream...which is a spontaneous buy. A truck or mobile unit in the same location has a chance to build up repeat customers.

Special Events, and these have taken a hit with the Covid Crisis, are the bread and butter for many a mobile food vendor.

Bottom line, my opinion, based on research and direct knowledge. YES, on mobile food (with a well thought out plan)...NO on the idea as you presented it.

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