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Old October 5, 2020, 04:44 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I believe Dien Rice used Haylings as a model for his Hidden Business Ideas.

Originally Posted by dvallieres View Post
Yes, I see that phrase on the back cover! (photo attached) Too bad they could not take advantage of the Internet...

Well, I think you are 100% correct that lots of people will be looking for business start-up plans, and opportunities starting this year and growing into next.

One of my favorite books is "A Lifetime of Income" by George Halings. I actually called a number I found for his home someplace I digged up, spoke to his wife, and ordered the book. This was 1998-1999 maybe. Do you think 'unusual' and 'unique' biz plans would work in this time and market?

I think it could because of the curiosity factor and they are based on real stories.


Dave, I sure do.

I had George's original work back in the 70's, he had several pubs...including the 555 or whatever it was little known, unique, etc. etc. In fact, I started my Singing Telegram business based off of his work, that was in 1979. The OFF KEY SINGING TELEGRAM business was one of those ODD ball little businesses.

Dien has spent the last 20 years researching into these kinds of things, and although he has written a couple of books (which I wish he would republish)...he has provided his subscribers with this information.

It is a field which can't get too crowded. Back then, while buying George's stuff, I was spending a small fortune on Business Opportunity information...some of that was pretty goofy stuff (for me) like worm farming, growing mushrooms in your basement, raising minks, etc.

What I think is a good idea is, either write about what you have done OR, interview those who are doing it and create a JV. I've done this many times.

The KEY to all Biz Op info, to get customers. If you know how to do that, then you are sitting on a gold mine. Seriously.

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