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Old October 16, 2020, 10:17 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default You probably can't pay experts ENOUGH to do that, but go ahead and try.

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post
Hello everyone.

I already though (nothing new!) to make info products by interviewing people.

I could transcript the interview and packaging into a info-product or just create a book with chapters picking up the points of the interviews.

I though on go to niche Facebook Groups and offer a paid interview, I would pay to interview experts on the topics.

Marlon offered the ideal, Elaine Floyd (has great info) got to use Marlon's copy to sell to her lists, and Marlon got to sell to his.

I think you will find, most experts will be too expensive, but might be open to a JV, which is better for you, because little money leaves your pocket. With (which I've used) you can get an hour of interview transcribed for 90 dollars or less, if you have a discount. But less than 100 gives you a substantial amount of text to work with.

You will find tons of info here, in our archives, going over this idea again and again and again.

The thing is, who to sell the material too? I always put that question first when developing any sort of information product.

WHO is going to want to buy it?

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