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Old October 25, 2020, 11:54 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default It depends on what one will be offering.

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post
Gordon, there is any book/course you recommend to freelancing? The "nuts & bolts".

I found the books from Bob Bly are quite good.

Bob's older books, like SELLING YOUR SERVICES and Lant's THE CONSULTANT KIT give some pretty solid fundamentals for those types of businesses. Today, I think it depends on what service, skill, or experience you will be offering.

The basics of any FOR HIRE, 1099er, are pretty much the same, with an emphasis on BOOKKEEPING, nothing gets a freelancer into trouble faster than TAXES. So, I'd put that high on the list, having an organized BUSINESS, where funds are separate from personal income.

But for "nuts and bolts" of any given service, I suggest a FACEBOOK group of peers. It will give you current, up to the minute information on your niche.

Some FREELANCERS, like me (NOW) only offer our experience, I don't DO anything. A copy writer, or content writer or a graphic artist has to perform and "turn in" their work. So the process and their procedures differ.

Today, I'm more likely to TRADE (or barter) for my knowledge as opposed to selling it, simply because of my age and situation.

Aside from actually setting up a business and all that entails, I think you would be better to get the nuts and bolts from a current freelancer who is active and successful in your chosen market.

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