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Old October 29, 2020, 09:34 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Seven Emotional Hot-Buttons...

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post
Pros, your thought on this:

What appeals to 45-55 years old men to buy fashion bracelets?

An appeal that is working is "to have more style that your neighbor".

So, following the Robert Collier six prime motives:

Love, gain, duty, pride, self-indulgence and self-preservation.

I will assume those are correct:

-Gain (beat the neighbor, being more "stylish")
-Pride (shine)
-Self-preservation (look younger with an fashion acessory)

Your thoughts?
Hi Mike,

In the past, I've used the "7 emotional hot-buttons" which I learned from Denny Hatch's books and writings.

I even have them memorized... They are...

anger exclusivity fear flattery greed guilt salvation

These came from studies of direct mail controls - to try to find patterns of what kinds of appeals regularly worked...

Most of these are due to marketer Bob Hacker, while the late Axel Andersson (who was a Swede who ran a very successful direct response marketing business from Germany) added "flattery"...

For men's fashion bracelets... going through the list... I would say...

exclusivity - they want something their next-door-neighbor doesn't have, and even better, can't get!

flattery - they want to feel stylish, superior, look good

greed - if you can plausibly argue that the bracelets will go up in value over time, then you can also bring in "greed" as a motivational factor too...

Just some "off the cuff" thoughts...!

- Dien

P.S. Here's an article by Denny Hatch about these, which is also about Axel Andersson -

P.P.S. Here's another more recent article covering this by Denny Hatch...

Last edited by Dien Rice : October 29, 2020 at 10:53 PM.
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