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Old November 22, 2020, 12:42 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Q and A from the mail re: APV, 52 Cards for Christmas and

The Holiday season is here. 2020 can get the heck out of here already, eh?

WE are getting a lot of traffic. We've been hammering on the idea of how so many people are looking for income via an Online thing...maybe a business.

I've offered the AUTOMATIC PRODUCT VENDING update report to you all here, and also the older gift, 52 Cards for Christmas.

Now it is time to set in motion the new year, and the theme for 2021 will be ...

REMOTE business. Remote relationships, remote lifestyles. At least until a real deal Covid-19 solution arrives.

For those of us who have been in Remote Direct Marketing for a long time, this really is just business as normal...

But untold millions of people are searching, looking for something, and now is a good time to be a Remote Direct Marketer.

Opening the mail bag of the past week, we see the following questions:

First, I'm biased. Been selling INFORMATION by remote means for decades now.

I like information products. But in today's world, almost anything goes.

But whether it is social media superstardom or a fly low and collect the dough goal, it all begins with

having a goal. Or at the minimum a PLAN OF ACTION. Old hat stuff indeed.

Q. In the APV, you use PayPal, why?

A. I like PayPal because it allows you to set up the page to download from. The Thank You page is a great way to reinforce the sale, maybe even offer an upsell, if inclined.

See, you want a hands off approach. They land on the page, buy it, get the product all while you sleep. That is the goal of the APV, to take you out of the equation, although, within the information product you can make other offers.

Which reminds me, before I answer more questions...I have very limited slots for the done for you APV. A best bet for most is a consultation to go over your plan of action.

Q. In the 52 Cards report, you have a lot of "high touch" businesses, like your weekend workshops, and trainings, how can we do those?

A. Better get some experience with video and webinars. So far, most of my Dr.'s appt. for next year are VIDEO conference.

So, get your Zoom, GoTo and other software at your ready.

Last edited by GordonJ : November 22, 2020 at 01:40 PM.
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