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Old December 5, 2020, 12:01 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I mainly used Facebook advertising for events...

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

I am running an specific AD for a specific product (Kid Toy) on Facebook FEEDS, I got poor results (that means ZERO sales).

But, I am testing the same AD on Facebook Marketplace, and I am getting interesting results (that means SALES).

So this made me thinking...
Hi Mike,

This is such an awesome post...

Now, while I have advertised on Facebook feeds I have never advertised on Facebook marketplace... So that's new information to me!

Also, my Facebook advertising has primarily been local event advertising (advertising gigs for a band I manage)... So that's also a different "kettle of fish"!

(My local music gig advertising was pre-pandemic...)

I also did advertise a free opt-in info-product (for writers)... I should do more of that... I did that to build an email list... I ended up with over 500 people on that specific email list, all from Facebook...

I have found Facebook can potentially be quite powerful if you use it wisely! But... it can also be a big money sink if you don't know what you're doing!

Thanks for sharing, Mike!

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : December 5, 2020 at 12:43 PM.
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