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Old December 5, 2020, 12:23 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Great ones - Glenn Osborn, Ankesh Kothari, and some others!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Taking time each day to unsubscribe from most, 90% of all email I signed up to receive.

Over the last year, I, maybe got 125 new subscriptions to all kinds of things, most marketing, or psychology or business related.

Found out, most were just an invitation to pitch, pitch, pitch me relentlessly, some morning noon and night.

I'm keeping newsletters from Dien, Mark Manson, Ankesh Kothari, Thomas Rice and a handful of others. I like the Retail newsletter the first few days of the month to keep up on what retailers are looking at.

I like the Shore to Shore opportunities mag, and I'll keep my eBay vendors store news...

But most, were simply awful, nothing but trying to get me to buy their crap, and I do mean crap.

Anyhow, for a quick minute, as I deleted some affiliate newsletters this morning, I wondered...

will I miss out on something big next year if I UNSUBCRIBE?

A sip of very hot coffee brought me to back to reality...shucks NO.


PS. How about you? Any MUST have newsletters you subscribe to?
Hi Gordon,

I am a fan of Glenn Osborn's emails! I am glad I'm on his list!

Glenn has a few websites, but it looks like if you want to, you can opt in here...
Read what Glenn writes - and also what he does. He does business in a way that nobody else I know does...

Ankesh Kothari's "Zen Strategies" are also amazing...! I've been enjoying Ankesh's writings for almost 2 decades now... (He used to write something called Wisdom Wire - which was also excellent!)

A little bit different - I read Thomas Rice's Innovation Wrap!
(Disclosure... he and I share the same parents!)
This is a summary of all the innovation happening lately...

Going through my emails, I think the rest of the ones I tend to open are from copywriters... Some favorites are Todd Brown, Kevin Rogers, John Forde, Bob Bly, Colin Theriot, and Paul Myers... (and I'm sure I accidentally left some out!)

Best wishes!


Last edited by Dien Rice : December 5, 2020 at 12:46 PM.
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