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Old December 18, 2020, 07:27 PM
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MMacGillivray MMacGillivray is offline
Eternal Optimist
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Helensburgh, Argyll
Posts: 243
Default Re: Covid pandemic could be over (in the USA) by mid-2021

For me, I will be taking the vaccine as will my husband. This is partly because we don't want to get Covid but also because we have access to great medical treatment purely because our forebears were brave and risked all to give future generations a healthier life.

The virus seems to depend on fairly close human contact for transmission; hopefully the vaccines will cull the spread and stop people getting so sick and dying - but I think there may be a "leaky joint". When people start to travel more, particularly to areas of the world which might not be able to do a rigorous vaccination programme, it seems to me that the virus or it's mutated form will be brought back to the traveller's home. I worry that we're going to need to be cautious for quite some time and I really hope I'm wrong about that.

This has been a miserable episode - we are all so used to taking a pill to cure ailments that I think we have handled the pandemic really poorly because we've forgotten how to deal with a virulent, aggressive illness.

Stay safe, stay well;
Seasons' Greetings from Scotland
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