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Old January 9, 2021, 12:29 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Part two of the NEW SPRINT TO FREEDOM.

Getting some good feedback, I'll have a better idea of what folks want when I get the results of asking for some feedback.

So far, it seems like speed is an issue for getting an APV (Automatic Product Vending) site. There is an ad popping up on Facebook for a Kajabi promotion called 45 days to income, of course, USING Kajabi software.

I have nothing against it, it might suit your needs, but 45 days to income??? That is about 5 weeks too long for my tastes.

Simple APV sites get set up in days, and then it is all about getting good eyeballs on it.

I've been advising a few of you, hope you keep at it for a few weeks, it takes time to get things set up...

that being said...

it takes the time from when you START, so get started now.


PS. Wasn't much interest in seeing what is being sent in the mails, too bad, my folder is growing huge and I can see some new promotions from some big players.

For those who didn't get part one of THE NEW SPRINT TO FREEDOM, if you want, send me 7 bux via PayPal ([email protected]) along with your email and I'll send you a link to download it.
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