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Old January 19, 2021, 01:08 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I've been delving into "non-standard" cults...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Since last week I have been in deep study of...

MOBS. Crowds. Herds.

So much of the psychology of mob behavior, is over 100 years old. And there are theories galore.

Last week, what I've read mostly from the Psychology pundits, the Capitol Mob exhibited social identity theory as the main underlying "reason" for the behavior of the crowd.

Membership theory. They were the cult of Trump. KEY authority figures (leaders) were made on the spot. None of the speakers of the day were leading the herd.
Hi Gordon,

While you were researching that, I've been delving deeper into cults...

Particularly "non-standard" cults...

I think we're going to have a fascinating conversation sharing what we've learned!

A "standard" cult to me is the typical "Jim Jones"-"Heaven's Gate" type of cult... A charismatic religious leader, who has absolute control over his or her followers.

But there are "non-standard" cults too...

Some are a "cult of personality"... It doesn't need to be religious. The leader may not absolutely control his or her followers, but they look to the leader for guidance... Many cult techniques are still used (like black & white thinking, thought-stopping techniques, or having an enemy, and encouraging in his followers the feeling of persecution by that enemy)...

Others are more "ideology" driven, and may not even have a "leader"...

I hope to share more, too... It's one thing to focus on those "Jim Jones"-"Heaven's Gate" type of cults... And another thing to delve into these other types of cults, which often "fly under the radar" in our society's awareness of cults...

Best wishes,

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