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Old February 7, 2021, 01:47 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default The entertainment gold rush...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Yesterday, a webinar sponsored by Stage32 with Netflix executive Chris Mack on how to pitch to Netflix.

Twenty thousand people showed up and judging from responses today, it appears thousands more could not get in.

Netflix, worried the Covid-19 would diminish viewers, has added 40 million new subscribers during this time period with over 200 million and a viewership of over 400 million, due to shared accounts.

Mr. Mack gave us a good overview of what Netflix buys, although, not the WHERE to pitch. 20k people spent two hours of their time, from 190 countries around the world, each with a hope to sell their wares to Netflix.

I'm sure it wasn't an oversight, they are probably inundated with pitches.

We marketers like to talk about markets, niches and a starving crowd. Well Stage32 (I've had negative experiences with them, so far) has certainly set up their food truck in the middle of a starving crowd.

Any other aspiring TV showrunners out there?
Hi Gordon,

Wow, people are clearly very HUNGRY to pitch their shows!

It reminds me of that saying (with many variations)...

"In a gold rush, sell shovels..."

The entertainment industry (actors, singers, musicians, script writers, and so on) seems to be in a perpetual "gold rush"...

This is a great example of "selling shovels to gold miners"...

You're giving me ideas...

Best wishes,

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