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Old March 22, 2021, 06:01 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Millard,

I've never sold reprint rights... Though I've bought many...

Most of the reprint rights I've bought I've used as free bonuses that are given away with other paid products. I can only think of one case where we sold it as the main product...

(I'm not talking about exclusive rights to a product - I've bought those too.)

In the case of the reprint rights product we sold as the main product, we modified it (which was allowed within the rights) to customize it and make it a little unique...

I think, if you're not planning to actively sell the products any more, then what do you have to lose?

(Except your good name, if people misuse it... But you can take your name off of any info-products, if that's a worry!)

But if you're still actively selling the products, then you're creating competition for yourself... There's enough competition already!

At least, that's the way I think about it!

I don't know if you write or wrote newsletters, but that kind of content can also be repackaged as a book or report... I gotta do more of that, too!

Best wishes!


Thanks for the tips.

I don't think I want to spend the time selling all my products anymore, however, selling the exclusive rights to someone makes sense to me.

Just have to think a bit about how to go about doing that.
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