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Old September 17, 2021, 09:01 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Re: Harvey Brody update, Sept. 17 , 2021

Today Harvey reviewed a basic strategy:

B & B + TP1 and then TP2 R+R

OR Get your bread and butter income, to keep a roof over your head, food in the belly, basic needs met. Without that, you are already in the outhouse.

Then work on your first TOLL position, and get it set up, keep perfecting it and then add another and then another.

From my perspective, the B+B part (online) has been SowPub for 21 years, with it producing small amounts of cash flowing consistently every quarter or so, and coupled with off line deals, my B&B.

Within many of my works, are offers to participate (buy) with me on other ventures, and both Dien and I have set up TOLL POSITIONS with our work here. His newsletters are must read for the serial Entrepreneur, he always finds interesting ideas.

A proper TOLL POSITION is when the customer or buyer has to go through you to get what he wants, be it retail or wholesale. Harvey sells millions of products through a world wide distribution network of huge retailers.

You don't have to sell millions, dozens could be just fine, if it is the right kind of dozens.

We're big on Monthly Recurring Income, a phrase which has become popular by many a guru these days, and Dien has been collecting on his newsletters for over a decade. We've experimented with just about everything online we can and many of our tests have never been reported on either.

But both Dien and I LISTEN to what Harvey Brody has taught to us over the years and we may not apply it exactly the same way he has done, what I've found with all Master teachers, whomever they are, or whomever YOU choose them to be...


to adjust their teachings to your own personal goals and motivations and even though you may not be following their exact blueprint, you can still follow their trails and end up in a better place.

Bread and Butter. Toll Position ONE. Build a foundation to build upon.

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