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Old May 10, 2022, 10:08 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: A good business for bad times...

Hi Eric,

All I can say here is... Ben Suarez was a computer programmer, and started out by trying to sell a book of computerized tables to help people calculate compound interest. (This was before pocket calculators were widely available...)

It was a huge flop...

Then he started working with Gary Halbert, and they started selling computerized astrological horoscopes...

It was his first success...

The bottom line is... you can only succeed when you give the market what it really wants... That's the undeniable fact about business...

Thanks for sharing, Eric!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by EricC View Post
Hi Dien,

Been a while since I have been to SOWPub. Looks like I am missing the fun stuff. Right now I am in the middle of a course in Astrological Magic. Basically learning to make talismans using astrology techniques from the Renaissance.

Then after that I will get up to speed on horary astrology for asking specific questions and getting specific answers with astrology. Finding solid financial astrology resources is tricky but another interesting area to explore, too. The people using it successfully don't appear to talk much publicly.

Figured it would be a good little side business for the touristy community we are moving to in the near future as well as online. I see a very long period of uncertainty and severely eroding faith in trusted institutions ahead. These kinds of services appear to be all the more interesting to people in such times.

Strap on your woo belt. The ride ahead is gonna be weird for a lot of folks.

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