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Old August 14, 2022, 08:36 AM
trevord92 trevord92 is online now
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 65
Default Re: I love what I DON'T DO.

Thanks Gordon.

Supply side seems OK generally - have had a handful of products that I can't re-source but they are very much in the minority. Price changes (especially on Aliexpress) are a lot more frequent but a Chrome plugin takes care of that.

And, of course, if I don't sell I don't make money but with a good mix of items (and fingers crossed I don't jinx things by saying this!) generally sales get made.

Ebay & Amazon are relatively low fee to list and then it's pay when sold. I prefer Ebay's basic advertising model - pay them extra money if they introduce the sale.

Of course, it would be good to be on the Ebay side of the equation - have a website, get paid whenever anyone buys anything on it.

You've set my mind thinking again about that kind of model - software as a service (which is essentially what Ebay is) is on my radar. Thanks!
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