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Old August 15, 2022, 02:33 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Some random thoughts.

Originally Posted by trevord92 View Post
Thanks Gordon, always good to have different points of view. Life would be boring if we all did/liked the same thing.
Personally, been involved in "retail" since I was a teenager selling home made lucky bags at school & retrieved golf balls back to golfers at the local course.
Retail is kind-of people watching and been doing that since well before big data became fashionable. Nowadays I tend to use the big online platforms as they're the easiest place to find buyers instead of getting lost at the back of the search results.
Agree multiple streams of income is necessary - had lots of rugs pulled out from under my feet over the years and the big internet companies are especially adept at that and/or changing the rules without notice.

Today, as a retired old man, my hope is (maybe) to help a youngin or two, avoid some of those rug falls I experienced. IF I had listened and followed some very good instruction earlier, I might have avoided some of the knocks the school of a stubborn life taught. But, maybe also, I would be depriving those folk of their own hard earned wisdom?

Anyhoo...just some random thoughts.
I believe everyone, and I do mean everyone...should have at least one information product for sale. It is so easy today, with sites like GUMROAD, which we're testing...a no cost, no code site to sell your product, albeit, minus the traffic of a big platform...however, there is no reason one cannot use eBay, Amazon, Facebook, etsy too, or wherever to also sell that product.

I think that one mistake I made, which I try to guide people toward now, is that I did not get into passive income, tolls, or automatic paydays, much sooner than I did.

Of course, age plays a big part. But everyone under 50 should have ownership of a TOLL position, and if possible, an automatic income stream.

I have had a lot of success with JOINT venutures, once I learned how to properly structure them, and to eliminate partnerships and co-dependents of the business sort.

I wish I would have done much more BARTER than I did, although I've had some great deals...still, trading for stuff, especially business stuff, would have made some many roads much smoother.

And although I had to wade through my share of slop, mess...and out of is hard to watch so many people TODAY, right now, get started on something which is way more complicated and time consuming than it needs to be.

We aren't educated enough on EVALUATIONS and assessments, even of a personal kind...we don't often play to our strengths, and we tend to take far too long to get the kite in the air, too much running, huffing and puffing, when going to hill and catching the wind is so much better.

Anyhow, just had some random thoughts, so might as well get them down here.


Last edited by GordonJ : August 15, 2022 at 03:55 PM.
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