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Old November 20, 2022, 07:37 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Maybe an "inside view" IS a secret?

I never heard of a HOTSHEET until Joe Karbo showed me one.
Although I had Harvey's big course back in the 80's, along with Cossman's Infomercial Metal Box with a business in it...

And I turned SCI down 3 times until Halbert called me an idiot. You recall some of his emails way back...

So, maybe so. But on the other hand, sometimes, a second hand peek, as we have shared here, and as others have done too, but that might be like the game story, where you whisper in the next person's ear, and see what comes out after it has been around the circle.

It is hard to beat DIRECT seeing, hearing, and being around those that do. Although I understood what Harvey did back in the 80s and 90s, it wasn't until he gave me those many hours of recordings I could listen to over and over and be able to get DIRECT clarification on, when things really clicked over to me. Which led to a streamlining of all of my moolah making activities...when I was shown, and then got rid of my own slop and there is something to it.

And I guess that is why people will spend 20,000 (and next year 40,000) dollars to have DIRECT access to Alen Sultanic.

Or why they join the Platinum or Gold insider groups. Access to success may not be any better than the book or information they give you, but maybe hearing straight from the "horse's mouth" carries a lot more weight...and gets taken into the deep brain crevices, whereas, information remains on the surface?

OH, I really like the sound the band you manage make, hope they become more well known. I think of it as 'outback calypso', is that wrong of me?

Anyhow, I appreciate all the Mentors I've been blessed with, wish I would have listened to them a bit more, but they, of all people, understand the need for independence too.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days... I'm also a part-time band manager on the side, and the band I manage was preparing to perform at a big festival this weekend, which means I had to chase up a few last minute things in the background...

Hey, but it's pretty cool getting to go to a festival - and getting paid to be there!

Now, there's more than one way to "skin a cat" (whenever someone says that, cats everywhere are cringing )...!

And I think there's definitely more than one way to succeed in business...

For example, one way is by being a master of technology innovation. A lot of companies in the pioneering "tech" space do well because of this... This I would say is Elon Musk's main strength (for example), with Tesla and SpaceX...

Another way is through superior marketing. I would say that the main "competitive advantage" that Ben Suarez and SCI have is due to Ben's superior marketing skills...

For others, the competitive advantage could be through squeezing every single drop of efficiency from the operation... And beating the competition through that.

That's probably the original competitive advantage of the McDonald brothers...

By making burgers on an assembly line, they could make burgers faster than anyone else, sell them at a lower price, and have high quality too...

But I'm with you, Gordon... the Harvey Brody business model is ingenious!

He essentially runs a "virtual corporation"... Where he manufactures quality products, sells them in high volume... and does it with just three people, including himself...!

I feel we're lucky to have had an "inside view"...

Best wishes!

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