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Old December 26, 2022, 12:39 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Update on 2018 post, 2023 OPPORTUNITIES.

Here is the post from 2018

Recently, I gave a few people some incredible niches to pursue their copywriting goals in. I didn't get any follow-up, which is fine.
The niches? Where copy writers have been paid well for decades?
The arcane, occult, mystical, meta-physical and astrological/numerology. Along with numismatics and philatelic and ephemera markets.
The weird, strange, woo-woo and odd little niches like these sites:
And this just scratches the surface.
From conspiracy to aliens, to secret gov'ts, to forecasts, and all things HEALTHY. HA!, they all sell supplements.
I use the ones brought from the MotherShip and sold only to the illuminati (oops, forget that).
So many people get hung up on those big markets, and try to compete with the big dogs, when there is a feast awaiting those who are not afraid to venture where no man has gone before (yea, even those guys buy stuff).
ME? I'm into the Antarctica and the secret war between USA/Russia going on down there. It may be freezing cold, but it is about to get very HOT.
There is a little known company, pink sheets, which is set to do what Cryptocurrency did a few years ago...EXPLODE.


Today, day after Christmas 2022, I want to add a few sites for your examination, if so inclined. A mix and mish-mash of all sorts of things, with a heavy dose of crazy, and a LOOMPANICS (if you have to ask, may not be for you). Educate, Shock and it sez Ah, what a site. catherine yronwode (she spells it without capitals) has been blessing us for decades with her white woman take on HooDoo, nonetheless, some interesting and unusual topics. Great collection of GARDEN WAY BOOKS. Note the many HOTSHEETS on this page.

These barely scratch the surface, of the little known, unusual and off-beat publications out there.

This next year, 2023, I am going to focus on getting YOUR STORED VALUE out of your head and into the marketplace.

Information publishing, and SELLING, is one of the least sloppy and messy ways to do business. The thing in common almost all of the above publishers have is

they have little to no contact with people,

UNLESS they want it. People like catherine yronwode, who offers classes or workshops are the exception.

But, if you want to be people free, sell hotsheets, folios, short reports, books, audios, videos, anything where it is like a VENDING MACHINE.

Even if the vending machine breaks and your Snicker's Bar gets hung up, even if you call the toll free number, you rarely talk to a person. Unlucky you, lucky next guy who gets two for one, eh?

AUTOMATED as much as can be, is the goal, with people the world over dropping moolah of some sort into your Automatic Vending Machine, getting their INFORMATION product, and leaving you alone (unless otherwise specified).

Those original 3 from 2018 are still selling information as you read.

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