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Old January 18, 2023, 02:20 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default A home based vertical, some inspiration.

I featured Jinny Beyer over 23 years ago in a report. She retired last year.

Her store/studio was the perfect home based business, which many of you can still model and see how it is done.

She was/is a quilter, now world renown, but she started with a few patterns, a love of quilting and expanded from there. My best guess is she sold OOODLES of patterns, miles of fabrics, books, courses, lessons...a complete vertical of quilting.

This year she has trips planned to Ireland and Greece, which you can go along with.

When I first included her in the report, it was to show how to turn your hobby/passion into a business.

Back then I included the Runyans, of U-bild fame, woodworking projects, and also sewing/crafting/needlepoint/quilting.

U-bild is still worthy to look at to see how INFORMATION can be as simple as a plan, a blueprint, a pattern, a HOTSHEET...and along with the INFO, lock in suppliers/affiliates too.

Silver threads and golden needles, sang Linda Ronstadt, and all things threads, yarns, fabrics, patterns, continue to produce substantial income for those. We see from Jinny Beyer, a Parade of Life, 40 years to retirement.

In 40 years, I bet quilting will still be a thing, see?

Building bird houses, chairs and tables from woodworkers.

Puzzles and games for kids.

Look at the books she leaves as a legacy,

The INFORMATION could keep bringing in some cash to spend on those trips she is taking.

Just one of the great MODELS to choose from, any reason why you, with a hobby at home, couldn't follow her model? I think not.

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