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Old May 19, 2023, 01:43 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The gist of the GJA SQ1

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Thinking how to celebrate.
Gordon Jay Alexander
Open to ideas for the 30th anniversary.

In the meantime. SQ1 gist= responsibility.

You want something. GO GET IT.

The GJA SQ1 are a set of TOOLS which aid you in reaching goals, getting what you want and helping you to live the life you prefer to live.

TOOLS. For setting GOALS. Planning. Execution. Adjustment. Identifying.

TOOLS. But they are not the roomba, self mowing lawn mowers, or do the job for you type. They have to be used, same as a hammer, a saw, or any power tool.

Tools to help you get to where you want to GO.

I like the GO space on a monopoly board, a starting square pointing you in the right direction.

And so the first part of any START is, where are you going? Or what do you want? And then, WHY?

The GO square may be the most important, yet often, the most overlooked.

Too many of us begin, start and jump right in without a clear idea of where we are going, or how we are going to get there.

Harvey Brody was a tremendous help for my metaphor tool kit, the VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP is a higher level version of the GO square on the board.

By elevating the view, we can foresee some hazards, roadblocks and avoid them with better planning.

But the best power tools in the world, can't build the house for need a plan, or blueprint.

How do the GJA SQ1 tools help you?

It answers questions.

But you have to ask them first. All the how to information is there, you just have to bring along the right questions and be willing to do the work.

You have to be willing to use the tools.

So, tomorrow, the 20th is a somewhat finish date of the original PictoGrams, and about a month of tweaking until I brought them home from FL to Ohio and put them to work.

Bob's beautiful rendering of the PICTOGRIGM OF PERSUASION, as told about here

has me excited about the GJA SQ1 and have shown me some potential for making them more public and user friendly.

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