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Old January 30, 2002, 09:24 AM
Jim E
Posts: n/a
Default Johnny Bravo, I agree with you!

Hey Johnny B --

I agree with you that hand painting car windows is a skill that must be developed.

You really need to have an artistic knack to even consider doing this professionally -- but I still think the basics can be learned with a week's practice. Maybe won't be as good or fast as the "pros", but you learn quickly once you get comfortable w/ your "tools".

Kind of like when I first started cartooning professionally 20+ years ago -- my lettering was "good enough" to be considered "professional", and I got paid for it.... but it twasn't NEAR
as good as it is now -- and I don't even have to THINK about it anymore. Heck, even my hastily scribbled notes look like a comic book font!

By the way, I never did say thanks to you for your reply to a post I made over on the Blake forum once upon a time about being a tourism director for a small town with "nothing" in it.
Your words of wisdom -- "think, Bubba, think" -- are forever burned into my mind. : ) I DID, and now I'm sitting here in the Tourism office with more projects than I can handle. Speaking of which, I better get back to 'em....

Best Wishes,
Jim Erskine
Homeway Press

PS. Johnny, what kind of stuff do you sell by fax to your local businesses?

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