Thread: A mini survey
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Old February 23, 2002, 04:57 PM
elizabeth aqui-seto
Posts: n/a
Default A mini survey

I would like to conduct a mini survey, mainly geared at the men, but certainly not limited to males. Women are also welcome to participate as I'm sure often, they are the ones in the household that buy this tyype of product for their partners and spouses.

As a hobby I make my own creams for personal use. My husband has recently become quite a fan and likes the citrus based and sandalwood scented ones. Prior to using these creams, he used to use the store bought after shaving creams. Now he's really hooked on the creams as they've all got ingredients that are natural and you can really add a lot of exotic oils to these creams depending on your skin type. They are not by any means 'cheap' to produce.

1. Do many of you men use moisturizers after shaving?
2. Do you care what you use?
3. Are you open to trying a new product if you felt the ingredients were natural based, free of synthetic preservatives, and had a very 'pleasing' smell?
4. If these moisturizers also contained some sunscreen agents, would this be an added bonus for you?
5. If the product felt good on your skin, are you prepared to pay a higher price for the product vs. just picking up a product on sale at your local Walmart?
6. Would you purchase these products online?
7. What would convince you to change brands?
8. What is your age range? under 30; 30+; 40+

If any of you wish to email me directly, I look forward to receiving your comments.

Thanks as always to all those who have been contributing to my posts.

