Thread: A mini survey
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Old February 26, 2002, 10:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Why not teach night-school....

I for one LOVE learning how to make soaps and home-made cosmetics, and so do a lot of other women. Why not TEACH others how to do it in a night-school class? That would also be a great way to promote your products (the ones you don't give out the recipes for, heh heh....)

And like Duane said, people appreciate knowing what ingredients are in their skin products - as so many people have allergies and skin sensitivities. If they could make their own "designer" skin care products, under your tutelage (or is that tutorage?) and you establish yourself as an expert in your field, you could have a lot of happy, repeat customers on your hands.


> that want to do this for themselves and the
> men in their lives.

> I'm sure they would love to make these
> moisturizers for themselves, Since a common
> complaint from my female friends is that
> they break out with certain products from
> the stores.

> Hey look at your own situation. YOU made the
> creams and gave it to your husband to try.
> NOW HE loves them.

> Imagine what would happen if ladies around
> the country started doing that. With YOUR
> Creams.

> Just another Market for you Elizabeth.

> Duane