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Old April 28, 2017, 10:15 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default And what is a HOTSHEET?

Information is easy to create or acquire. It is easy to sell. It is wanted. Needed. And people will pay YOU to get it. And technology allows you to sell and market your HOTSHEET with as much automation as possible. YOU can be sitting on the beach sipping a cool one and still be making money.

A HOTSHEET is usually a single piece of paper with topical information.

We consider Folios, Brochures, Instruction Sheets, Plans, Blueprints, Formulas, Cheats, Cheatsheets, Study Guides or any printed brief sheet of paper to be a HOTSHEET.

The size and shape doesn’t really matter. It is the brevity that counts.

For this purpose a HOTSHEET is anything printed on one or just a few pieces of paper that contains condensed and useful information, information that people WANT or NEED, and will pay be a HOTSHEET.

Some sites to see different kinds of HOTSHEETS: Plans Patterns Paulette Ensign, BOOKLETS ( a type of HOTSHEET) Study guides

Sneaky Pete:

Millions of dollars are spent, one buck at a time, during college and NFL football seasons, on little bet slips, probably the most profitable, albeit, illegal...of all HOTSHEETS.

My story hasn't changed in advising people in the last 15 years. INFORMATION is an ideal product to offer.

I believe it should be in every MARKETERS tool box. It can be a small trickle stream of income, or it could be the main river of profits.

In two days, my 2017 revised APV report is going off the market, along with some of my other work which Dien has agreed to retire.

I'll answer questions, help however I can, and assist you IF you are a customer before MAY 1, 2017. After that, it will be hard for a non customer to get ahold of me and what little time I have allotted to deal with people, it will be a customer first situation.

I'm hoping all my writing related work will be taken off the market, Dien and I may repurpose it, may part of a different venture, we are BETA testing now.

This will include the SOWPUB Writers Tollbooth, Small Reports report too.

You may have noticed we are starting to streamline things.

Less to come.


A type of hotsheet you might want to own, or sell, witH Trump as POTUS: Bomb Shelter

Last edited by GordonJ : April 28, 2017 at 11:05 AM.
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