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Old June 10, 2017, 11:26 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Thanks Steve... My brother also went through quite an ordeal a couple years ago...

Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post
[size="4"]Hi Glenn, My Kidneys are working fine... I was struck down with a really nasty antibiotic resistant bacteria superbug. Everyone thought I was going to die (including me) when my kidneys shut down and 18 pockets of puss formed in my lungs. So in addition to daily kidney dialysis, they had to cut into both sides of my chest in a fruitless attempt to drain my lungs.

The bacteria lives on everyone's skin, it usually isn't a problem unless it somehow manages to get into your bloodstream. Nicked my neck shaving... that let the little buggers in.

I wear a beard now because it could be healthy...
Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing... Wow, you've been through quite an ordeal...

A couple of years ago, one of my brothers got meningitis. We were very worried, because meningitis is often deadly.

In hospital, they tried a lot of different medications with him, while they were trying to figure out what kind of meningitis he had. Eventually, they figured it out, and were able to give him the right medication, and (thankfully) he recovered. As I said, we were all extremely worried...

I'm type 2 diabetic, which causes a lot of problems. However, I sure live a lot more healthily than I used to... I eat better, exercise regularly, which I never used to do. However, it also occurred to me that I lived a high stress lifestyle, so I've now made efforts to cut down on the stress. (I also just recently decided to cut out coffee, as caffeine actually stimulates cortisol, your body's stress hormone.)

I didn't know about "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth"... Thanks, I'll check it out!

Best wishes,

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