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Old March 20, 2012, 02:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Could THIS be the key to weight loss?

Sugar, in most forms, are not good for you. The sad part is, 9 out of 10 products found in the supermarket has some kind of added, mostly artificial sugar to it.

High fructose corn syrup is the worst. Check your loaf of bread's ingredients, most likely it is there. There are actually people that are allergic to it and will just die if they digest it.

Another thing about high fructose corn syrup is that in the long run, it causes cancer. Yep, not kidding about that one. It is also addictive and manufacturer's know it. They do not care about your health, that it makes you gain weight and whatever else. Profit is the name of the game.

Some brands of ketchup is actually advertising right now on their front label that it does NOT contain HFCS. Go figure,

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