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Old September 21, 2006, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Arrow A gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen!

From: Gary Bencivenga’s Bullet # 20

"The magic is in the product," not in the copywriter's pen. "Advertising doesn't create a product advantage. It can only convey it...No matter how skilful you are, you can't invent a product advantage that doesn't exist. The better your product, the more persuasive your ad can be, and the bigger your marketing success. Clever copywriting technique is no substitute for a brilliant product. Consumers are too smart".

I think the Magic of Gordon’s product is that anyone can learn how to
make a profit buying low and selling high and turn a profit their very first day!

For the right type of person or couple (perfect for a husband and wife to do together)
there is real magic in making money with photography!

What if someone learned how to take cute novelty poses of people and pets with
their digital camera? They would have a product that would practically sell itself.

The real trick would be to get people to come into your living room studio, pose for 60 minutes and
leave you with $500 - $800 in profits!

Imagine a product that will bring hundreds of people into your Living Room Portrait Studio each year!

That is the advantage my info product delivers. Lot's of customers ... real fast... without expensive advertising,
the fastest, most effective, lowest cost way for any portrait photographer or wannabee to earn $500 - $1,000+ Daily!

Antique Glamour Photography is a product with an almost unfair advantage.

People love it, want it and buy it without you having to twist arms.

My question for all copywriters who care to respond is...

Should I stay focused on the above in my sales letters or is it better to
paint a picture in the mind of how it really sucks commuting off to a
job everyday working for a boss you don't like and how all that can change
to staying home and earning money with your digital camera?

Steve Shulenski
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