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Old February 12, 2012, 10:35 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Continued...maybe a point somewhere...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Maybe not. Could be a couple of sidebars and some wandering down a tangent path or two. This part picks up, after a quick review.
Hi Gordon,

Thanks for sharing that part of your history... There was a lot in there I didn't know!

Like you, I've had an interest in martial arts, especially the "philosophy" behind them - but unlike you, when I tried to learn some martial arts, I found it hurt too much, and went back to my armchair, and watched martial arts movies!

(Living vicariously, I believe the term is! I still fantasize about going back to learning a little more martial arts... it would be nice to progress beyond a white belt!)

I was also attracted to the tradition of honor, respect, and being humble, that you find in many of the traditional martial arts...

I've also had a fascination with cults... They scare me and fascinate me at the same time. Starting a cult is almost a science, nowadays. You just have to read the "signs" of a cult (like here). It's good to know about, so you can recognize the signs of one when you see it (and stay away)...

I did go to City Lights bookstore many years ago (in the early 1990s). I'm glad it's still around. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who was one of the "Beats" (along with Jack Kerouac and the rest) owns City Lights, and is still around at age 92!

I'm looking forward to hearing more about the "Synergy"!

Best wishes,

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