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Old April 13, 2015, 02:48 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Time Wasters, how to break the habit.


We all have been guilty of wasting time now and then, but is it a habitual routine for you?

How do you break the TW habit? The simple, but hardly easy, answer is


Distraction is the common enemy and lack of continued FOCUS is one of the main reasons why so many intelligent people are so dumb with their time management.

I believe in goals and plans, although many don't. But if you do set goals, then your plan needs to have the FUEL to sustain a car needs to stop for gas, a person with a goal needs to keep refueling their MOTIVATION.

What is the reason for the goal?

It is an area which gets glossed over in the Time Management Goal Setting fields.

In the old days the gurus would have us cut out pictures of what we wanted, getting detailed about the color of the car and type of house and so on.

The pictures imagined as a fulfilled future, were suppose to spark our enthusiasm and keep us on track KNOWING what awaits us at the end.

We see a lot of TWs in Internet Marketing with so many coming to the field with the thought of making some easy money. They have sipped the Kool-Aid of the IM guru, who says fake it till you make it.

So, a lot of frustration is created with the set up, and unrealistic goals coupled with a lack of business know how and then they chase the unicorns in the rainbow filled pastures of the IM, where they slip and fall on all the bull sh8t in the field of dreams.

One way to stay focused for short bursts of time is to start your session with a review of WHY you are working, what the outcomes will be and to refresh and refuel yourself.

Working in short but highly focused time frames will help some.

Others need to get to a more fundamental behavior, the WHY of time wasting could, in a few cases, be a fear of success problem buried deep beneath the conscious mind's surface.

Also, by noting and taking an awareness approach, exactly at what point did my mind wander, when and why did I click that youtube video, hit the link...

Exactly where did I get off my path...and scrutinize your thinking at this point.

There is not a quick fix, but AWARENESS coupled with REASONS WHY, go a long way to overcome this terribly debilitating disease so many are afflicted with.

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