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Old November 17, 2020, 11:33 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Try making bread by hand, from scratch.


Too many Mick Jaggers out there, they just can't get any. HA!

I know there are a couple of Bread Machine aficionados here, just pour in ingredients and press a button. And call it homemade, which it is, beats store bought.

But for a really good time, make it by hand, do a BREAD meditation. I mean get your hands into it. Mix in a big bowl, and knead it by hand. It is a great way for kids to make a mess in the kitchen and keeps them occupied too...

And NOTHING beats the satisfaction of seeing your kid tell someone "I made it by hand".

We're about to witness a couple of IPO, one being Door Dash, which has boomed from the Covid affair.

What I wonder, is, what do the people who save all that time with food delivery, DO with the "saved" time????

More Netflix bingeing? More YouTube watching? Or more working on their affiliate businesses?

We like to "manage" our time.
Take control of our time.
Spend our time wisely.
Be productive with our time.

With less people to people, the so-called HIGH TOUCH activities being greatly curtailed, maybe a little HIGH TOUCH for yourself (in the kitchen, garage, workshop, craft room...and less in the bedroom...he.he.)

is not only a ticket to a more satisfying HOUR or two spent, it could also be profitable too, both in financials and self worth.

Thanks Millard for bringing this up.


Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post
I just read an interesting article about using time or spending money.

Let's take making a pizza instead of ordering out.

You make the dough, let it rise, add your toppings and sauce... bake.

You took some time, saved some money, and probably made a tastier pizza than your local chain shop.

Would you want to do this every time? Probably not. But the satisfaction of making home made cooking that tastes good goes a long way instead of taking out your wallet anytime you're hungry.

I know this is a simple example, but a lot of folks just spend gobs of dough to save time, but is the quality worth it?

Just something to think about from time to time....

Continuing the food thought.... fast food or home made beef sandwich?

Go to car wash or do the job yourself?

Go to a barber or have your other half cut your hair? (My wife happens to be a former hairdresser, so I cheated on that one)

Actually what is happening here for me is a look back about we all used to do things... is that so bad?
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