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Old May 14, 2003, 01:16 AM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default One basic problem....

"PROOF" the flyers were delivered!

When businesses buy an ad in a newspaper, the cost is based upon X number of newspapers being distributed. No one ever questions whether or not that amount of papers has actually been distributed.

Years ago I hired some high school kids to distribute flyers for one of my bizzes and...when I followed up to see if they were doing their jobs I found many of my flyers in a trash can.

When biznesses purchase stamps they know exactly how many pieces how going out (even though there have been a few mail carriers who did not deliver the mail)...and they can be pretty much assured the amount they paid for WILL be delivered.

I'm afraid you won't get many participants in this day of "Non-Trust".

Don Alm

Some of my Unique, money-making programs.