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Old March 14, 2012, 01:50 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default How a 14 year old kid made "junk removal" money - and bought a house!

You're just about to find out how a teenage kid made money from "junk removal"...

Then, she used this money to help fund the purchase of her first house!

Yes, at 14 years old!

Also, from this story, you're also going to find out a new way how you can profit from this yourself.

The basics of the story are this...

Her Mom is a real estate agent in Florida. The teenage daughter, Willow, noticed that when people bought a house - often the house was still filled with "junk" from the former owners or tenants.

So - Willow offered to remove the junk for the new owners for free. The new owners usually said "yes!"

She sold the furniture and appliances on Craiglist. By doing this (on top of her schoolwork and everything else ) - Willow was making $500 a month.

She saved up her money.

Then, she noticed a house selling for $12,000 (which had previously sold for $100,000, before the housing market collapsed).

In the end, she bought that house - going in 50/50 with her Mom...

At just 14 years old!

You can read the whole story here...

This 14-Year-Old Girl Just Bought A House In Florida

Now, here's how you could use this yourself...

You could probably make extra profits from "junk removal" if you work together with real estate agents. I'm sure real estate agents see a lot of homes full of "junk"! You'd be providing a service for them, and for their clients too - while also making some moolah for yourself.

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : March 14, 2012 at 02:23 AM.
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