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Old October 11, 2018, 11:00 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Post You will get the very first one sir, guaranteed.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

In mid-2000, I was spending a few months in Boston. I had a friend in Boston who was traveling, but he let me stay in his apartment while he was away.

That's when Gordon's Square One Workshops arrived in the mail.

I eagerly took the cassette and popped it in the stereo, and went through the pictogrigms according to the audio instructions...

It was an epiphany! Completely unlike anything else I had ever come across before...

I like the visualization aspect of it. It wasn't just a dry teaching...

I still use many of the lessons from the Square One Workshops... Especially for marketing.

I'd love a beta version of your persuasion kit, if possible. (Will happily pay an additional amount for international shipping.)

Best wishes!


I look forward to your feedback, you may be blown away, or, MEH...let me know.

The SQ1 you rec'd was encrypted, required a brain to unlock it. This new thing requires no such depth of thought, in fact just the opposite.

Throw a few cards on the table, VOILA you have your Persuasion technique mapped out for you. Having a brain can only add to it's efficacy.

These are beta prototypes, may be the only ones ever made. Unless someone might want to make a ton of money selling them, then, I'm all ears.

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