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Old August 12, 2021, 11:22 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default One opinion having worked with the "sophisticated markets: is...

My opinion...

Advertisers and copywriters try to take too much credit.

"Sophisticated" targets with money...may become AWARE of the "loudest noise you hear is the clock ticking" sort of thing...

but when actually BUYING. The advertising and the brilliant copy has little to no effect on their purchasing habits. If they want it, they buy it.

I spent a lot of time watching people shop WORTH Ave., in Palm Beach and when they SEE something they want, they buy it.

In this upper scale market, however you define it, I'm convinced that advertising and copywriting don't have anywhere near the impact as the creators of that stuff would have you believe.

But AWARENESS of something, thus, SEEING it, in whatever media may be the most important part.

However, as anyone who knows me at all, knows what I'm about to say...

THE INTERSECTION of that awareness is the key to it all.


Originally Posted by MikePT View Post
While I was thinking on this, I have came across on this:

What I mean with "sophisticated"?

Sophisticated in general?

• high educated people?
• society power people?
• old rich generation?
• the cream of the cream of society?
• rich AND simultaneously sophisticated people?
• sophisticated people born in highly sophisticated Families?
• people who know how to recognize intrisic VALUE on things?

Or, sophisticated on the buying process?

• generally people who are used to buy a lot of expensive and high quality stuff
• generally people who are used to buy FASTER stuff with no dramas
• generally people used to buy on a particulary medium
• generally people who are used to buy on "X" market
generally people who are used to buy a that type of product

I am just sharing my process thoughts.

Probably I was thinking on this segment when I thought on "sophisticated people":

people who know how to recognize intrisic VALUE on things and generally people who are used to buy FASTER stuff with no dramas.

Opinions are welcomed.

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