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Old September 6, 2006, 02:31 AM
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Ankesh Ankesh is offline
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Default Re: A Great Man???

Hi Michael,

People talk about people they know.

And because of the TV - millions of people knew Steve Irwin.

And so they all are talking about him now that he is dead. Just because its getting to be too much - so many people talking - doesn't make the man "not great."

"Untimely" death usually wins peoples sympathies. And the person is elevated to a higher position than he should be (And maybe thats why more people cried when princess Diana died than when mother Teresa died). But that still doesn't make him "not great." It may make him "not as great." But thats a judgement call.

I think Steve Irwin was a hero for many. Many got inspired by him. And that makes him great in my eyes.
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