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Old December 21, 2020, 06:57 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default An example of what you're talking about...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Things, like selling and making money, become so much simpler when you become:

AWARE of the preoccupations,
UNDERSTAND what they are...
Correctly DETERMINE your target's state of mind.

Resonate and RELATE to their preoccupations
and offer either a

A Benefit,
Sympathy, Empathy,
inspiration or motivation to help them resolve their preoccupation.

You make money when you offer one of the above to the right person at the right time. That is pretty basic, right?
Hi Gordon,

Sometimes preoccupations can change - and in a big way...

We've seen this lately - with the US presidential election.

Immediately beforehand, people were preoccupied with the upcoming election...

Immediately after, people were preoccupied with the question - who won the election?

Then they were preoccupied with - was there electoral fraud? (A view pushed by President Trump and his supporters...)

However, my perception is that that preoccupation has since gradually ebbed away...

I'm not discussing whether it's true or not - but the preoccupation with it...

And it affects sales. When a large number of people are strongly preoccupied with something like the election - they're generally not thinking about other things (which are optional)... Like how to become more charismatic (for example)...

I've seen my own sales slow down, and slowly start coming back, which I suspect is due to the hullabaloo about (and preoccupation with) the election...

Best wishes!

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