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Old August 15, 2017, 09:12 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Live wire vs dead end>

Originally Posted by Robert J. View Post
Years ago, right here on SowP (I'm pretty sure I found it on here), I would visit the blog of a young man who wrote (and monetized) about out-of-the-ordinary businesses. Many of the bizes were the essence of the Side Hustle, before the term was even coined.

An interesting one ... just odd enough to have the appeal of candy, involved enterprising folk who used modern methods (gentle chemicals and tools) to rehab aging and ugly grave markers.

Yesterday, I tripped over a 5-year-old story in the Mansfield (CT) Patch about one such company. At the time, the couple's business was a month-old newborn.

Here's the story:

Alas, as we know, quite often the businesses featured in these fluffy promotional stories often dry up and fail ... sometimes in short order. Curiously, and without a lot of optimism, I clicked on some links.

I was pleased to learn that the business, by all indications, appears to be strong and vital, having carved out a couple interesting sub-niches.

Clearly, this is the kind of "business" that isn't really a business at all. It is a "build your own job." But for this couple, who seem to get along well enough to work together, it looks like they have a decent job for both of them.

Best of all: No bosses! (OK, yes, when you are in business, EVERYBODY - all your customers and even prospective customers - are your boss. But in this case, you could even make the case that their "bosses" are all dead and buried!)

For me, it sounds like a lot of hard, hands-on work for not a lot of money. I can't imagine people are shelling out big bucks to brighten the tombstone on great grandma's grave.

In the pro column, somebody who enjoys the outdoors and working with their hands (and has a knack for attention to details), this could be a fun little Side Hustle.

And for the marketers out there, just imagine to potential for press coverage.

Newspapers and local digital media (like the Patch properties) should be easy picking!

Our old friend SteveSki, pet photog extra-donaire did pretty well with a camera.

My point, for every guy out there cleaning tombstones, shoveling dog poo, washing windows, painting curbs...doing the MANUAL LABOR routine,

there is someone, somewhere,

taking pics, creating memories, selling products with high profits to those people who have money to spend on their kids, pets and friends.

A lot less digging to do to find some gold.

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