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Old September 23, 2006, 12:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BIG Money Ideas are ALL Around!

Yes Dien you are correct. If you could/would look back at a post I posted about a year ago, you would remember that I talked about how to form this type of relationship.
As a refresher for those whom may not have seen it:

The basics were.....
Do 2 secxonds of research on your contacts and any BOND you can find is your way IN!
You see that John Doe was promoted in the ABC company and you have a widget to sell to him in his position with the ABC Company.
I would do a bit of background on hinm and see where he lives now, where he grew up, where he went to school, where his wife is from.......
You get the idea, form a bond with the use of the NET.
This is what you all want anyway isn't it.
Take this valuable seed of wisdom and turn it into something useful for yourself! I dare you!!
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